Thursday, May 18, 2006

Listen…The Horse Whispers by Marilyn Bonnett

Frustrated because you can’t get the same responses from your horse that the trainer gets? Well, the horse is frustrated too, and if the horse could intervene, he would say “whoa” to this partnership. The horse is in the middle and becomes very confused. There are mixed messages being communicated in the horse relationship. You are a talented rider, but there’s a missing link in the partnership with the horse. The missing link will enable the horse and rider to be a successful team. It is imperative as a rider that you learn the skills of your horse and the training cues use to send the messages to get the best performance, but most importantly you have to listen to your horse to send the right communication. The following tips will give you the tools to accurately interrupt your horse communication and respond with a clear message.
Being aware

Like with people, communication with horses is a give and take process: you cue, they listen and they respond, then you listen and respond. Failure to listen is the biggest cause of communication breakdown, whether it is with people or your horse. When you are really tuned into what you see, feel, or hear, then you are listening. You are aware, and use all your senses to receive and understand the information that is being communicated. Yes, even from your horse. What is done with the information depends on the meaning it has for you. To communicate with your horse you must first acquire self-awareness. Be particularly aware of your hands and legs sense these are your means to deliver the cues. It is very possible to communicate mixed messages to your horse if you are thinking one thing and sending a different message with your body. Next listen to your horse, feel his body communication, look for visible sign language, then respond to his needs with the correct cues. As your awareness increases, your horse will become more tuned into your message. It comes naturally for him. Do you tune into yourself and your horse when you ride and show?
The instinct

The horse is a creature of awareness and instinct. It is very in tune to its environment and ready to adapt to changes such as; weather, stalking animals, and feeding time. They listen and feel and trust their instinct to protect, provide and perform. Your instinct plays a significant role in the show pen. When you are aware and in tune to yourself and your horse your intuition becomes active. You can learn to trust your instinct to get a clear message to your horse. Instinct comes from your heart and soul. It is comfortable, feels right and very connected to a passion, like showing your horse. Intuition is not logical. You think logic and it comes from the mind. Logic is driven by past experiences or fear of the unknown or what might happen. The more you regularly exercise and use your intuition; the greater your accuracy will be for adapting and communicating what is right for you and your horse in the show pen. Can you adapt to what you feel from your horse? Do you trust your instincts in the show pen?

Letting go

Boy, is that easier said than done… Letting go is about doing your job as a rider. Taking responsibility for and focusing on the things you can control. Separating you from everyone and everything else. When you detach from what is out of your control you automatically function, think and live in the present. There is no fear, no worry, no doubt, otherwise know as mental emotions. These emotions interfere with your performance and ability to activate your instincts, trust and confidence to do your job as a rider. The key is to align your thoughts, the mind, with intuition and trust yourself and your horse. Everything happens in the present and when you are present, you make things happen. Are you living and riding in the present?
A starting point

Riding should be fun and simple, so select one tool to take your equine team to the next level. If your tuning in and listening skills need strengthening, start with being aware. You must have this strong foundation to support and build the other skills. Once you have sharpened your awareness, select the next tool that comes easiest for you. Focus on one change at a time. Change is a process. You have spent years developing the way you presently communicate, so don’t pressure yourself to learn, internalize and apply a new tool tomorrow. Create strategies to help you support your transition from learning to applying. Every time you ride to practice your physical maneuvers, also practice your new mental strategies. This enables you to become comfortable and second nature with your new tools before you apply them in the show pen. Remember to celebrate every small step closer to your end result and the progress you achieve. You never have to do anything alone, that’s why partnerships are created. How will you make it happen? Do you need a success performance coach?

It really doesn’t matter weather you are communicating within the horse or human relationship. So often we just don’t feel or listen beneath the words or trained cues in order to be connected or in tune with each other. Our fears from the past and the worry of what is to come, prevents the focus necessary for success. Trust your instincts and keep your focus on what you are doing right now, live in the present. Don’t look back and don’t worry about what is ahead. You communicate what your mind is thinking. Your nonverbal language, body movements and tension, is what your horse feels first, instead of what you ask for with the trained cues. You can develop and polish the skills of trust in yourself and with your horse, if you deepen your communication. Relax and let go of what might happen, what you have to do to win or whom you have to beat. Get in touch with your feelings and what your gut is telling you. Don’t think with your mind, it is exhausting. Be positive about what you and your horse’s capabilities can accomplish. Connect and be one through a powerful synchronized relationship. Believe that communication affects the outcome of your performance in and out of the show pen; make things happen for you.

Get your FREE “Successful Performance Tips” pocket card
at: or call toll free 1-877-600-COACH (2622)

Saturday, May 06, 2006


Marilyn Bonnett
Performance Coaching

In order to focus on the mental challenges that you present to yourself, it will be necessary to be mentally fit. Just as with improving physically you have to discipline yourself to strengthen your mental muscle, the mind. You exercise, ride your horse and practice to get you and your horse physically fit and in shape for the first show. However, many use run after run in the show pen to get more comfortable, less nervous and mentally fit for showing. It only stands to reason that mental preparation before showing would give you more of what you want in the show pen.

In order to be focused and have your mind right you need to:

q Know how you think before, during and after the performance
q Know your thought process
q Learn tools to show and ride in the present
q Prepare before the show with activities that enhance and stabilize your focus
q Gain control over your performance without controlling
q Bring your goal into focus after each performance

Committing and believing that you can achieve the goal is important to your success. You are responsible for making it happen. With true commitment you will remove all barriers and obstacles and refuse to let anything or anyone undermine your goal. Determine the resources that are necessary to support a successful result. Resources can include but are not limited to:

q Horse
q Horse trainer
q Personal coach
q Family and friends
q Financial support
q Equipment

With the right resources on your team or as a partner you will be able to keep the focus to move forward. You are the leader and responsible for your mental preparation. The length of time to get mentally strong will depend on your present level of fitness. Try these mental stability and strengthening exercises:

1. Write in detail the vision of how you want to perform; use descriptive words in order to create your mental movie.
2. Change or edit the movie; use your support resources for clarification.
3. Exercise your mental muscles daily or 3 to 4 times a week – spend at least 20 minutes in each session relaxing and quieting your mind (this may take some practice and be your entire session initially).

As you become mentally fit, your level of physical awareness in the mental movies will be transferred to your riding. The mental movie is the beginning of your mental strengthening plan.

To design and experience your customized mental fitness program contact us at or call toll free 1-877-600-COACH (2622). This free report was provided to you by CHAMPION Challenger, LLC, a Personal Performance Coaching Corporations. Copyright 2006, reproduction permitted with contact information.

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Life Lessons Create Successful Goals

By Marilyn Bonnett
Insure Success Coach

The saying “you can run, but you can’t hide” was probable not intended to be self-talk. For just this moment of time, consider this is about you. You can ignore your desires and your fears, but wherever you go they follow. Stop running and take charge of your life. Learn the tools, strategies and beliefs successful people are using to have what they want. Yes, there is enough for everyone to have what he or she wants. Your glass is full, not half full, but full. Drink and more will come. Make your goals and dreams come true. Lessons of life are all around you, in your job, relationships, hobbies, and day-to-day interactions. What are the lessons telling you? Consider the ones below and begin applying 3 to your life and amazing results are guaranteed. Don’t hold back! Take one small or big action today to begin the life you want, by having more of what you want.

Everything happens in the present and when you are there, you make everything happen.

When you fear the past and worry about the future you miss the opportunity of today.

Take care of the things you can control

Letting go of what others think is taking charge of yourself

When you are yourself you never have to pretend

You will never lose your identity if you don’t compare yourself to others

Show your strengths and nobody with notice your weaknesses

You place value on your homes, cars, and your life with insurance policies. What keeps people from insuring living? Living is taken for granted, because it happens with or without you. Everyday you breathe in and out you are physically alive. Is this living? I think not…this is existing. Can you put a value on having the life you want? You decide. What you can do is insure success for you to have what you want while you are alive, by living. Living is creating dreams, desires, goals that bring freedom, happiness, joy, wealth, health and serenity. You can have the money and the fun.

Get success insurance for your dreams, goals and desire at Have a life by living life. It is never too late if you don’t wait…